Midsummer Update July 20, 2023

I had no idea it’s been so long since our last website update. If you’ve been following our progress on Facebook, then you’re already caught up, but if you’re just following our website, then you’ve missed quite a bit since March.

We broke ground on the Art Farm on March 24th, and have been working hard ever since to get us to today. We expect the greenhouse to be installed sometime in the Fall. Meanwhile, we’ve got a lots of raised beds and plantings, plus our custom picnic tables available for groups and meetings. Come down to the garden during our regular Open House hours, or by chance. There’s often someone there who can show you around or answer questions. Garden Club hours are Wednesday mornings, 8 to 11, Thursday evenings, 6 to 8, and Saturday mornings from 10-1 pm

Before and After
Before and After