Volunteer Opportunity – Ballenas / PASS-Woodwinds School Garden

Volunteer Opportunity – School Garden summer maintenance – the Ballenas / PASS Woodwinds School Garden.

The students have put a lot of time and effort into developing and planting their school garden. Now it needs some simple maintenance through the summer months. We’ll be responsible for weeding, watering, harvesting and caring for the school garden from the end of June till the first week of September. I expect it will only take an hour or two, a couple times a week. Many hands will make light work.

It’s quite a nice, full garden, with plenty of plantings of raspberries, greens, squash, potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, beans, you name it. The staff and kids have done a great job in building it, and we’re glad to be able to help care for it and get it ready for the fall season.